Simplifying TCPA compliance for lenders

Enacted in 1991, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) places some restrictions on how companies communicate with consumers over the phone. And with the increasing importance of telephone communication for managing relations with borrowers, it’s a topic we’ve written about before.

To help you stay compliant, here’s a summary of the main points of the TCPA that affect LoanPro clients, as well as a list of LoanPro tools that help maintain compliance with TCPA.

TCPA requirementLoanPro solution
Before texting borrowers, you need to get their consent to receive texts from you.Interactive SMS can send opt-in messages and record borrowers’ responses, automatically restricting text messaging until borrowers agree.
Debt collectors are limited to three autodialed or prerecorded calls to a consumer overall, even if they are regarding different debts. Calls to wireless numbers must have prior written or verbal consent.The Automation Engine allows users to create rules that ensure telecommunications are only sent out when they meet the requirements of the TCPA, while also allowing communications to be triggered automatically for agent convenience.
Calls can’t be made to residences outside of 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the residence’s time zone.You can set do not disturb windows that automatically adjust to individual borrowers’ time zones, ensuring calls are only made in the approved windows.
No automatic dialing system or artificial or prerecorded voices can be used to call emergency service lines, hospital rooms, or phone numbers for which the called party is charged for the call.LoanPro provides the option to mark phone numbers as do-not-call, ensuring calls are only made to authorized numbers.

And in addition to those direct tools for addressing TCPA requirements, LoanPro has several solutions that aid with communication and compliance across the board.

  • Communication Suite: Reach out to borrowers through multiple communication methods, including SMS messages. LoanPro customers use SMS templates that meet the TCPA requirements for phone communications.
  • Automation Engine: Prevent mistakes and drive efficiency through the Automation Engine, sending out TCPA compliant telecommunications personalized with dynamic account and borrower information.
  • Audit Trail: Learn more about how LoanPro can help you stay compliant.

Prior to LoanPro, I couldn’t show anything to an auditor. Now I can just go right into LoanPro and say, here’s a screenshot and here’s how it works.

Chief Operating Officer, Best Egg

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